Blog 6 Change


When I think of change I think about how I dislike it. The change of seasons. Plans. Emotions. 

Changing seasons; fall to winter is my least favorite change. Now from winter to spring? A nice change. When the snow begins to melt and flowers begin to bloom. The birds learn to sing again. 

Change change change.

Changing of clothes? I could tolerate that change. The refreshing feeling of changing into pjs at the end of a long day. Taking your bra off and snuggling under a down comforter.

Change change change. 

Change. Leftover change. The pennies that pile in the cupholder of my car. How they stay and show their worth when I'm about to get coffee.

Changing emotions. Stress. Emotional swings that are out of one’s control. One can only blame doctors prescribing hormones to combat a heavy menstrual period eh?

Change change change

Changing Schools. Also stress.

Going from the comfort of home to a new school that is small. New people. Changing friends. Adapting

Adapting adapting adapting

Evolving. Changing. Adapting. 

Change can be stressful until it is  adapted to. Adapting to new environments like a creature. 

Adapting to warmer climates. Losing our fur, our comfort, for something new. 

Change change changing 

Channels. Channel surfing and changing to find the next moving picture to capture my attention. I already know how this one ends. Next. 

Oh this is new! Will it hold my attention?

Change change change
