Blog 10

 I personally feel like I have grown a lot as a writer over this semester. One of the biggest things the I learned this semester that I feel has helped me a lot is free writing. I did not know what free writing was before I took this class and now it is a tool that I use in almost all of my writing assignments. For example, when I am completing a paper, blog post, or a discussion board post in this class or in any of my other classes, I use free writing. It helps me not overthink what I am saying and makes it easier for me to complete the assignment. Another tool that I learned in this class that has helped me is better understand was rhetoric is. Before this class I did not have a very good idea of what rhetoric was and I did not realize how much I use it in all of my classes. An example would be, I took an into to fiction class this semester and we talked about rhetoric in the stories that we were reading at least once a week. I do not think that my writing process has changed much since the start of this semester. One thing that has changed is now it is easier for me to write in more that one draft. Even though you can still see an obvious change in my writing style from the change in drafts, I am less picky about writing more that one draft. 
