Blog 10

Over this semester, I feel like I have grown incredibly as a writer. Before taking this class, I had never been asked to write in the ways that I have had to for this course. It was quite a change for me, but I believe that it was a good change because I have grown tremendously. A specific area that I think I have grown a lot has been my awareness of my own writing. I have been able to learn what things help me and what things are barriers for my writing. I had never thought about these kinds of things in my writing before, but now, I think that physical things can have a great impact on how a person writes. Of course, there is always still room for growth. I think that I could probably still improve my writing when it comes to writing about things that do not require research. Honestly, I think that I can easily complete research papers because I can just look up on the internet what I need to know. Then, I can use the facts that I find to prove my point. However, papers that have to come from my own mind are usually harder for me. I find it difficult to know what to say, since the information is not out on the internet for me to find. I think that I have definitely improved on this topic, like with Project Two, but I could still use improvement, as always.
