Blog 10 - Josh Freetly

 Over the course of the semester, this class has provided a plethora of opportunities to write and improve as a writer. The main area I feel I improved is with being detailed and descriptive especially thanks to Project 1. With the first project I had to use a lot of imagery and specifics the make the scene as vivid as possible. This provided not only direct practice but allowed me to practice thinking about how to paint a scene with details. This allowed me to more easily think about descriptions making it easier for me to get into the detail mindset and write descriptively. Other areas I improved was writing reflectively and thinking critically about why I use the writing moves I do. By having to write reflections on all our essays it made me start to slow down and think why I was saying what I was saying giving me a more critical understanding. This more critical understanding allows me to better understand my own rhetoric allowing me to strength a third area of my writing. Rhetoric is that third area, which was improved through two essays using rhetorical analysis and reflecting myself as a rhetor. Areas where I could stand to improve is with my tendency for run-ons and issues with transitions. Both will continue to be improved upon through simply practicing and getting used to working with them. Overall, this class was very helpful and has made me a stronger and more confident writer for 102 and the rest of college.
