Blog 10- Growth as a writer

            I can say that before starting this course I was doubtful, but now that the course is coming to an end I feel a little more confident when it comes to my writing process. I feel that within this semester my writing process has improved greatly. For example, I find that it is easier for me to write out my thoughts, similar to an outline and then go from there. If what I write is not what I like, then I just re-work it instead of writing it completely over, as it saves me time when wring my papers. Also, found that it actually is helpful to get feedback and to also give it because I get to get others perspectives and opinions. I think the areas that I should improve on are timing and my grammar. I tend to take forever writing a paper, especially a draft because I want it to be perfect, but I realize that I do not have to worry too much about perfection in the beginning. When it comes to my grammar I feel that I repeat words a lot and so I would like to improve on that. Overall, I am actually surprised with the growth that I made when writing as an English student for this course, and I hope to continue to improve and learn new skills in future English courses.
