Blog 8

I would definitely say that the classroom environment has a big impact on the way I speak. There are two different types of classroom environments that come to mind. One where the teacher for the most part goes over material and powerpoints for example. The other environment that comes to mind is where we have a lot of discussions and more freedom. When I find myself in classes where the teacher does not leave as much time for discussions I tend to focus more on formality and correctness since in my mind as you get less time to be heard every word you say, counts. Whereas in classes where we have a lot of discussions I tend to speak and perhaps play around with the thought and the mind a bit more. I think that I am more open to discussing different topics and am not as afraid of being wrong or making a foul or myself. I also think that these kinds of environments make me think less of how I speak. And instead lets me focus on what I speak. If that makes sense. 

Two examples where my mindset is drastically different from each other are, for example, my math class and my UNI class. Even tho I know that my grade is purely based on what I turn in rather than what I say. I am always very couscous when I speak. For some reason, I am afraid of what the teacher and the other students might think. Since the teacher mostly speaks I sometimes find it a little bit awkward to interrupt. Even tho I know every teacher encourages questions it just feels weird sometimes to interrupt. 

Whereas in my UNI class for example everyone speaks a lot. So for me, it becomes more natural to speak as well. Everyone messes up once in a while and for me at least it encourages me to not be afraid. I think to myself that if others can make mistakes it is okay for me to make them too. 
