Blog 8

 When in a classroom, my language does change from when I am out of the classroom. When having a class discussion, I tend to try and sound more formal and educated than how I normally talk. In small groups where it is simply several classmates and myself, I usually speak to them the same as I would out of the classroom. In a classroom, specifically when talking directly to a teacher, it is often looked down upon to say curse words, speak in an informal way, and to not address the teach as Dr. or professor. Yes, I do think that there is a difference in the way we communicate in an English class opposed to a science class. I feel that in science class, we use scientific words to describe an idea in detail, but I tend to speak less formal in a science or math class. In an English classroom, there is always a need to talk in full sentences and with proper English. In my freshman seminar class, my professor said he likes to just be called, Craig, while in my science class, my teacher is always referred to as doctor. There is nothing wrong with either preference, but it does change how students act and speak in that class. When I disagree with a friend, I usually get defensive and call them an idiot, but this is not something that would go over well in a classroom, especially if they were not a friend of mine!
