Blog 7

          To answer your first question, anything that is involved with Emmet Till's story is being preserved by a variety of people.  There are civil rights activists that host tours about Emmet's story.  The foundation has a monument made and remade to keep his memory alive.  There is a person going through and shearing the wool hung over peoples eye about the monuments being miss identified along with other things.  Then some are maintaining a museum that is dedicated to Emmet Till's story and the other people the were victims too.  There are a few more also that keep the memory alive and relevant.  To answer the second question,  It is important to them because it is a very gruesome part of the American history that can't be forgotten.  It is import to the broader Mississippi community because it also affect them, either directly or not.  They too had people victimized and felt every minute of the suffering that Emmet's family felt too.  This can be important to me because it reminds me of the history that has happen to get to this point in history.  It is important to remember these things so not to repeat them.

            How I preserve my space is that I get some milestone markers, and keep some things here and there.  But I fill my space with my current personality and ever changing person too.  To answer the second part, it helps me remember where I've been and allows me to keep on evolving without felling I lose a lot.  It also helps the people around incase of my early death or and later death they now where I've been and who I was when I died.  For strangers it tells them a little about my history and mostly how I am now so they don't confuse the two.  Because it is import to know your past, but not to get caught up in it otherwise you will become stuck.
