Freewrite: Change

            Before I started writing this blog for week 6, I looked up the definition of change. The first definition is to make someone or something different. The second definition is that change is the act or instance of making or becoming different. I’d say that I resonate with the second definition the most. I think that change is good and is necessary because it allows growth in all aspects of your life. You get to learn what you like or don’t like, and what you want to do or what you don’t want to do, and so on. I have always been reluctant to change, but recently it’s something that I have been craving. I was always scared of what the results that change would bring, so I would avoid it. Now that I am a college student, I have more freedom and more responsibilities, and that is the biggest change that has occurred in my life. Recently, I have been wanting some type of change, whether it be a change in scenery, routine, etc. I am hoping that in the near future I can become open to change because sometimes I do feel stagnant with life.
