Change - Blog 6 Josh Freetly

 Change is one of the rare constants and life and this constant of change is truly one of the greatest ironies of human existence. Everything is always in a state of constant change in our modern and faced paced society where everything is a competition for your money or attention. Change is one of the scariest things to humans as our minds tend to want everything to make sense in perfect black and white boxes but change can't be boxed in. Being adaptable to change is one of the most important things to live a fulfilling life and to keep an open mind. If we attempt to fight change all we will accomplish is getting ourselves stuck in the past and on the wrong side of history.

    Change can be good and change can be bad but change is indifferent to its goodness or badness as it is inevitably going to take place either way. Change can feel especially scary as it is mainly the bad stuff that stands out and is memorably but the more things change the more the good has a chance to outweigh the cons of change. The goods always outweighing the bad parts of change is an optimistic way to see it but makes change seem like a force to bring out the best in humanity making everything just a little less terrifying in my experience. We could of course go for the entirely pessimistic interpretation of change and that it leads to only bad things that make the world worse. This is a line of thinking more than one person has fallen into but this would make something that is always happening feel like the enemy and if the enemy is unstoppable it just leads to bitterness and closed-minded views to avoid change.

    Once again because humans are scared of change we try to just create a little box to stay in where we understand it all and feel safe. This box is things like our daily routines or shows we've seen several dozen times or anything else within our comfort zone. This metaphorical box is not inherently bad after all we all need mental safe spaces to take some respite from the unyielding change of the world but staying in this box forever is detrimental. It's important to embrace change when you're ready as it helps us to expand our horizons and maybe grow our box of comfort to include things that we never expected to enjoy. As we learn to embrace change it starts to be something we can understand and see that it is going to happen which makes it no less scary but can at least make it relieve the sense of impending doom.
