Blog 7

Image one: University of Mississippi students Tyler Yarbrough (left) and Curtis Hill (right)

These two students did there best to preserve the legacy of Emmett Till. They carried a sign remembering Emmett Till that was sprayed with bullet holes. They placed it at the base of a confederate statue. This was was to show how the people of the area treat the different people. The innocent black man's memorial had bullet holes, while the confederate monument is respected. I do think this was important for them to do. Giving a visual to show that there are extremely racist people in the area. Also, by carrying the sign and taking a picture of it shows they are standing up to the other students who were in the pro-confederate image. This could be important to me because it helps me learn that even though this murder took place so long ago, there is still a racist war caused by the murder.

Image two:  Johnny B. Thomas, Mayor

He runs an Emmett Till museum in Glendora, Mississippi, the small town he is the mayor of. He wants to help show the case, the evidence, and lack there of for Emmett's murder. His father was an alleged accomplice in the murder of Emmett. No matter if he was involved or not, this gives Johnny a connection to the life of Emmett Till. Johnny is using the resources and knowledge he has gathered to help educate others. This is vey important to try and explain and help people understand how the murder of Emmett was racially motivated. This is important to the Mississippi community because there is a need to educate the state. Mississippi is regarded as being very under-educated and racist. Johnny is doing his best to counteract the reputation of the state. This would be a very interesting museum to visit if I am ever in Mississippi.

How do I preserve the identity of my grandparents' house? Well this is hard, but I feel that I am able to do so by taking pictures of our memories there. Taking pictures of all the fun we have had there will allow us to look back and see the great times we had. Another way I can help with the place is by simply me mowing and doing chores for them around their home and yard. Keeping the place how it has always looked will help preserve the identity of it from my childhood! Personally, I think it is important to do this to allow for the memories of the place to live on. If all of sudden the grass was extremely tall and there were no holiday decorations out, it would not feel like the same home. Taking pictures are also important because it allows for us to remember the memories in a visual light. My family could look back at these pictures and share in the laughs.   
