Blog 7


The first image I chose was of the Gordan's. The Gordan's are relatives to Emmett Till and actually lived with him for a period of time. They preserve his legacy through a foundation they created to honor Till and his mother named Mamie Till-Mobey Foundation. This is important to the because this was their family. They are working to make sure their family member's story of injustice does not go forgotten. This is important for not just them, but for everyone because if Till's story is forgotten, then all the other injustices towards the black community have a greater chance of being forgotten as well. we all need to show we still care about what happen and we are still working to bring justice to these individuals and the black community for all the hardships and and injustices they experienced. 

The second image I chose was of Professor Dave Tell. Dave Tell is a Professor at the University of Kansas and makes a point to tell Till's story from the perspective "of people who live in their shadows." He is the co-creator of the Emmett Till Memory Project and is the author of Remembering Emmett Till. Like I mentioned before, he says he is there to tell the story of Emmett Till to people in shadows of these stories and these people. He researches civil rights commemoration across the south and has uncovers misidentified historical sites by local governments so they can direct the grants to their cities and towns instead of the actual place of the historical event. This is important because it has allowed the stories of people like Emmett Till to not have been skewed for profit. It has allowed me, and anyone else who looked into him, to learn the correct story of Till rather than one with misinformation.

The place I identified in last week's post I spoke about the lakes I grew up near. I preserve their legacy by continuing to visit and spend my time there. I keep making more memories, and therefore more stories, to tell about the lakes, which will always be a big part of my life and of who I am. It is important for me to spread my stories and memories of the lakes because I want others in the community to know they can also have a safe space their as well. There is room for them to make memories there and enjoy their time in the area. The more happiness I can bring to others, even through a thing as simple as a telling them about leisure and recreational spot, the happier I will be.
