Blog 6

 When I think of the change it never really required anything good. Just think about it, change is something different you have never experienced. Whether it’s preparing for the weather to change. Also, the change could be seen as the transition from elementary school to high school and to college. Even for me to move from Chicago to Springfield was different mostly because of the food. But anything that considers change usually is something different for you. Change is overall something I don’t like to think about because it’s unpredictable.

I'm very consistent so when change comes it takes more to adapt. But most importantly without change, you’ll never grow.  You have to experience different changes to know what you like and what life is for you. Just think about how your character would be without Change. When I was younger anything that required change I hated because it wasn’t what I was used to and I was very spoiled. As I got older I realized that change isn’t that bad. Change has made me into the person I am today for which I am grateful. The transition made me realize that’s a change too, everything in the world revolves around change. Technology, let's think about it. We came from Pagers, to Telephones, flip phones, to smartphones. If you focus on all the changes in your life and you keep from trying to change you will never grow. I must admit change is different but I couldn’t see my life without change. I’m highly grateful for what change has done for me and has in store throughout the good and bad. 
