Blog 6



The change that i am writing about today will describe how my life changed when I chose to study and to play tennis in the us. My journey beggied a few years ago when I used to watch a lot of sports that were common in the us. For example football baseball and basketball. I also used to watch a lot of American tennis with inspired me to continue my journey in the US. So the first day when I arrived in the us one obvious change was the lagauge. But one other thing that I had to get used to was that many people were a lot more firendlier that what was typically common in Europe. For sure this was something positive but still was something that i had to get myhead around since i like to treat people the way they treat me. So therefore i think i was a lot friednlier that what i used to be towards people. Which again is something that i wiev as being something positive. However currency and counting money was a big struggle and i still struggle with it today. And also the fact that tax is not included when you buy things witch can be frustrating sometimes because you realise sometimes that you brought to little money. One other major change that i would say has had a big affect on my life these past moths being at uis is that school here is a lot different compared to sweden. To keep it short i would say that school in sweden is nothing like school in the us. Here it seams like everything is graded based on percentage and chores whilst back home the teachers grade based on a different schele. And sometimes the way the graded back home got very confusing but here the system seems very straightforward witch i would definitely say suites me. One other think that i have noticed is that there are constantly things that popp up on the sheduele. Professors constantly ads assignments and homework unlike in sweden were there are typically very few assignments and little homework. And that forces me to check my shedil an the calender daily to make sure that i do the things that i am supposed to do in time. Since in the past the lack of assignments and not being forced to always be active on a daily basis ledd to me procrasinating a lot.

//Very sloppy but 100% authentic. 400 words in 15 minutes is very good for me. Even tho the content might not be the best. 
