Blog 6

 Change. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of this is the current season change. This is my favorite weather time of the year! It is so cool out, without being cold. my ideal weather is about 50-70 degrees. I just bought a convertible car in August, so I am so exicted to have it now for the nice weather. It is such a nice change from the 90 degrees we have from may until september. Anothing thing that comes to mind for change is my recent change to college. Really, it doesnt feel too different from highschool. I went to SHG in town, so I am still living with my parents and wroking at the same restaurant. It is sad though because most of my friends have moved away. My least favorite part from the change from high school to college is not getting to have the same classmates in every class. Most of the kids in my high school classes I had known from the same gradeschool, or at least sporting events in town. It feels weird not knowing everyone in the class, but it is good because it makes me have to get out of my shell. Another change when I went to college was how I have struggled with my time balence. In college, I only have class for about half the time everyday that I did in high school, but I have more large assignments and readings. I struggle with waiting until the last minute to do my assignments. 

Another thing that has changed recently is my position at work. I used to work strictly upfront at the resturant, but during the summer I switched to starting to work half in the kitchen also. Now, I primarly work in the kitchen and get to learn from the head chef. He is a very successful chef who has so much knowledge that he can share with me. I always liked cooking and learning about it, but i was never very good. He has helped teach me tricks that make it easier and faster. I have tried to make a couple of things at home now, not as good as his, but still yummy!

The final change Im going to talk about is how I want to try and change my approach on life. I am the youngest of 6 kids, with 4 of them being brothers. I always grew up accepting my place as the one who did what he was told. Now, I have realized that I shouldnt live my life always listeing to peoples commands for my life. At work for example, I hated hosting but I did it because they kept putting me on the schedule. I decided I was done with it and told my boss politely. I want to take this apporach of being respectful, but not just doing everything for evceryone especailly when I do not want to fdo it. 
