Blog 6

 I believe that change is a magnificent thing. If our lives stayed the same forever, it would be so boring. My friends have changed a lot over the years. I used to be friends with different people than I am now. The people that I used to be friends with are a lot different than the ones I have now. The way I choose to surround myself and who I want to be around me has changed a lot. My body has also changed a lot. It has changed because of puberty amongst other things. I have gained and lost weight throughout the years. I have colored my hair to different colors every couple of months because I felt like it. I needed a change. My sense of style and the clothes I like to wear has changed. My mentality has changed. My mental health has changed whether that be for the good or for the bad. The seasons also do a lot of changing on their own. From the cold to the hot and the rain to the snow to the sun the seasons change more than anything else in this world. One day it could be cold and raining and the next it could be a million degrees with a blazing hot sun. In Illinois, these days can happen back to back, even when it is supposed to be fall. My school schedule changed every year in high school and now it will change every semester in college. Every day's schedule is even different than the day before. I go to school and work but sometimes the days are different. What classes I have changes with the day of the week. My mood changes more often than I think it probably should. Sometimes something little happens that puts me in a bad mood and ruins my day. Sometimes something little happens and makes me so happy that it makes my whole day and makes me cry tears of joy. A day can change in an instant. The way I feel about myself and other people has changed immensely over the years. I used to love some people that I don't even think about now. I used to dislike some people that I now don't think I could live without. My environment around me has changed and it has changed the way that I look at the world. The world changes all the time with different people in charge and different things happening. One day could change the whole course of history, as has happened with different tragedies. It only takes a second for your world to change. My family has changed over time as well. Family members have died and some have been born. The number of people in my family has slowly changed since I can remember. My stress level can change depending on how much I have going on at the moment. My outfit can change 50 times a day because of something else that changed, my mind. The changing weather also affects my different outfits because sometimes it is cold in the morning and I can wear sweatpants or a sweatshirt but by the afternoon it is blazing hot and I need to change my clothes into shorts and a t-shirt. My hairstyle also changes a lot during the day from being down and pretty to going into an updo when I need to get something done. The amount of money I have changes almost every day. It increases when I get paid from my two jobs but it decreases when I spend money on things that I do not need which happens more often than I would like to admit. Some days I think I have no money and am broke and some days I think I have the money to spend and I spend it. How tired I am can change every day based on how much sleep I got the previous night. A lot of things can change how much sleep I get. The things that I learn at school change every day because I do not get taught the same lesson every day because that would be silly. The lessons change every day and so do the homework assignments.
