Blog 6 - Manjarrez

    Change is enviable. It happens without us even realizing it. Change is good. It is a representation of us growing and transforming into different versions of ourselves. I’ve made it a goal to change and become a better version of myself while I'm on this journey in college. I took the leap and became the first in my family to leave home and study 4 hours away. It was the best decision for my mental health and for me to grow. Although I love home, I needed to leave and discover new experiences. I needed to learn about myself. I have a theory that we all need to leave our hometowns at some point and live somewhere else for a period of our lifes. Staying in one’s hometown is what prevents individuals from growing. You are constantly living in the past. Surrounded with memories. Yes it's comforting but it also keeps you stuck. Although change can be scary, it is necessary. I used to be afraid of change because I was scared of failing. Scared to make the wrong decisions and simply regret it. However, I went through a very depressive time 2 years ago and after I overcame such obstacles, my perspective changed. I realized that we are given one chance to make our lives extraordinary. We only get one life. The fear of change and failing should never allow us to stay back and miss the opportunities that can be given to us. We have to fail to know what it’s like to succeed. So yes change is taking risks, change is putting yourself out there for many unknown results, and change can be hard but change is also growing, it's evolving, and it can be filled with many unexpected opportunities. As the seasons continues to change, so will we.
