Blog 6 - Change


Change is such a wonderful thing. An exciting process that can seem extremely daunting and often not worth the hardship that comes with it. But one thing that I have been repeatedly told from an early age is that without change there can be no growth. How can it be possible to grow as a person if you just remain in the same comfortable, safe space that you always are in? How can you grow without change? Change opens a whole new world of opportunity that would never have been discovered if we all rejected changed and remained in our safe little circles.  I must admit that I have been talking about change and implying that it is a simple thing that we all must do and people simply choose not to do so because they do not feel like challenging themselves but this is very false. Actually, I think it would be hard to get further away from the truth. In reality change is scary. Change is daunting. And most of all, change is difficult. Change isn't something that we can really get used to and but we have the power to welcome and embrace change. In my opinion, becoming used to change is a paradox because when I hear that someone is 'used to change' it makes me wonder how somebody can be used to an ever-changing life. Or how can somebody be used to being uncomfortable because if you are used to being uncomfortable then would that not make you comfortable with being uncomfortable and therefore no longer uncomfortable. My main reasoning behind this is that with change comes being uncomfortable and something that you must get used to.

    The latest big change that occurred in my life was moving from England to Springfield to study here at UIS and honestly I would be lying if I even tried to say that it was easy. This was arguably one of the hardest things that Ive ever had to do in my life, flying 8 hours across the world by myself, leaving my loved ones behind back home. I knew that this was going to be a big change and usually big changes are the hardest to cope with but I am managing to make it through. I am becoming used to this change and I feel that before long I will be totally accustomed to it but until then I will still try my best to cope with the transition. As much as change can hurt you, I can say for a fact that it has definitely forced me to grow up and mature as a person. Ultimately it allowed me to grow as a person and that is what change is all about and I am very grateful for that and even for the opportunity to have change.
