Blog 6 - Change Freewrite

 I have experienced a lot of changes in my life lately. First off, I started college. That's a new experience for sure. I never had schedules like I do in college before. I never made to do list and I barely kept track of my work in planners before my senior year when I was on my own. During college, I find myslef making lists on an app keeping track of everything I need to do. It is weird. It is a new change, but a beneficial one. Another change I have experienced recently is at my work. I started working at the STarbucks on 6th and Stevenson in April of this year. I love wokring there. I love the people at my job, and that is what makes my job as fun as it is. Change is coming though. A lot of my coworkers. the one's I started out with, are leaving. I am worried I won't enjoy my job nearly as much as I do now. I love my coworkers and when they leave, they will leave a gap. I hope it won't be too bad, but i won't know until they actually leave. ANother change I have experienced in the past couple of days, is my classes becoming slightly more difficult! I have actual commitments in my classes now. It is later in the semester so that makes sense, but it is still a change! I need a second to think about what else to type about for vchange. I guess I can say freewriting is a change for me. I normally write after thinking about my words. I think I mentioned before how  don't really like freewriting because it stresses me out, having all thse errors in my writing. I am not the best typer (as you can tell by all my typos lol), so having all these errors stresses me out. I am an English major and I love writing. I pride myself on being a decent writer, so when my wokr in not perfect, or at least as perfect as I can get it, I feel like ehhhh because I am not putting forward my best work. That's why freewriting stresses me out. It is a change in my routine as a writer, but I can see its benefits. Writing your first thoughts gets the creative juices flowing, I guess you can say that. I need a new topic about change right now. I don't have anything else to say about my writing routine. what else is changing in my life right now? I don't know. I feel like change, specifically the topic of change, is very broad. There are so many things to talk about but for some reason I can't think of many right now. I think i need a second to gather my thoughts so I will think about change change change change, okay. I think society is changing in a good way. We are focusing more on societal issues rght not, bringing awareness to things that people were gettign away with that they shouldn't be getting away with. I thin  that is a good change because people should mot be doin bad things (like racism, sexism. etc) without getting the consequences of their actions. It is just not right. not just! I think they should always have consequences for what they do if it effects people negatively. You shpould not benefits from someone else's suffering. That is awful. I need anpther thing to type about. I need another thing to type about. I need to type about change, so I will talk about change as in the money. Did you know we have a worldwide change shortage right now? You are supposed to use exact change because we are running out of coins or something? It may not be right now i guess, but it was happening earlier this year. I remember seein signs about it. Also! THe government is running out of money?? That's a change i can talk about for the last two minutes of this free wirte. Or, I can type about it for some of those few minutes. It is weird that the government is running out of money. That feels like something that shouldnt be happening, period. And what are citizens gonna do about that? Are they gonna be taxed more? I don't think that would be fair either, but then again, I am not the most knowledgeable on the topic of economics. I might take a class about that soon. I don't know what classes I will tkae next semester. That's another change coming up. The semester is going to end soon! The timer just went off, so that's the end of this freewrite!
