Blog 6 - Change Freewrite

Jonathan Sack

Blog 6 - Change Freewrite

     Well, like the last freewrite the prompt is rather unspecific. At least this time the prompt admits that it is unspecific, so I guess I have to figure out what I'm going to talk about. I don't want to talk about change in my own life. Seems to personal. Hm. I could talk this is probably quite boring to read. I could talk about current events, or something? Technology is changing pretty fast I suppose. The world balance of power is slowly shifting in favor of China. I don't really know enough about either of those topics to write about those...Like the prompt said, its getting colder, I guess. Fall is here, but Winter is still pretty far off. Not so sunny anymore, but still firmly above 50 degrees. Dang, I really have nothing. I refuse to talk about the weather for 15 minutes.

    I guess I have to talk about something. I think my issue with this is that the topic is so broad that there really isn't a topic. Everything changes. You can't talk about change in general being good or bad, that's ultra-dependent on context. I guess all of our lives as college students are changing. 

     I don't know about anyone else, but there is a higher workload, yet not in that bad of a way, I guess. I suppose I'm talking about my personal life despite saying I wouldn't earlier. Oh well. Anyways, I'm not really sure what to think of college so far. I fully expected the workload to be as bad as it is, not that that helps the situation whatsoever. I think I like that most of the work is just reading something or studying for a test, since that's "optional", I guess. If I think I really understand something, I can just skim a chapter or study lightly for an easy test. On the other hand, if I don't understand something, I can dedicate extra time to it. I'd say what I like the most so far is that we often get assignments 1 week in advance at minimum. Often large projects have their due dates set before the semester even begins. I love this. I can plan ahead for these and schedule out time for them if I want to. I absolutely hated daily work in high school. Every day we got work assigned to us due the very next day. Is it so hard to just let the students know what they have to do ahead of time? Oh jeez, this paragraph is getting very long

      If I had a day where I was particularly busy, I was just screwed because we only got 24 hour notice on work that was sometimes up to 30 homework problems in each class! Now, I often know what I need to do either at the beginning of the semester or beginning of the week, and instead of tedious worksheets, I just have to read a chapter in the textbook or something. The only downside to this is that every week, I end up having around 100 pages to read, combining all of my classes. That really sucks. This is in addition to big projects, like essays or presentations. I end up having a larger workload than high school, but I am given warning and its definitely less tedious.

     I am not really observing these benefits yet, but I also really like how we get to choose all of our classes and get to only do stuff we are interested in. This isn't that true for me right now since there is so much required stuff, and I know exactly what I want to do. I wish I could just study my dang major! Instead I have to do all of this gen ed stuff for 2 years, and then I get to study my major. Right now I only have one class in Computer Science (my major), and I know a couple people who don't have any classes in their major yet. I don't really get that. I'm out of time, that's all folks.

NOTE: I did go back and correct the spelling mistakes that the spell checker highlighted, just to make it slightly more readable.
