Blog 5 - Manjarrez

As the years progress, our technology is becoming a bigger part of our lives. 

My advisor expressed that we have a literal, mini computer in our pockets and she couldn’t be more right. We use our phones and computers to communicate with others, to remain entertained through social media, and to complete school assignments, like we’re doing now. 

Years ago we did not have that luxury. I had to go to the library if I wanted to use a computer and I didn't get my first phone until I was in middle school. I’ve seen children who are in their first couple of years of elementary school walking around with a better phone than mine and/or iPads. 

The meme above shows how glued our phones are to our hands. Instead of taking the actual notes down on paper, they are taking pictures to look back at. Although this meme is made to be funny and relatable but can also be portrayed as sad and unfortunate. There are multiple theories that technology is making humans more and more ignorant. Unfortunately, I believe this is true. We no longer have to work for anything. With a touch of a button we can google something and get an answer. We no longer have to read books because everything is online. We also have the tendency to believe everything online is true. It’s harder now to distinguish what is false and what is true because anyone can make a statement and as long as enough people join the bandwagon, then that statement is accurate. It’s harder to publish a book with false information because multiple people have to review it before it's released.

Technology is a beautiful thing. It gives us the ability to connect with others that can be thousands of miles away. It kept us stable when the world went crashing down because of a deadly virus. People were able to keep their jobs by working through a computer. Students were able to get an education through zoom meetings. But we can also take advantage of that beauty. I am guilty of doing so. 

Finding a balance is key. Technology is not going anywhere, as a matter of fact it's going to grow even larger. This meme is a reminder of that. However, I believe that it's good for us to take a break from staring at a computer screen and read a book or have a genuine conversation with an individual that is not through text. We have to connect with the real world and take a break from wildly spread internet.
