Writing Process

           Once I am given or have chosen a topic to write about I immediately start to panic inside. Sometimes I even stall starting the writing process because I feel I will not do well. But I then think to myself words of encouragement to help get me started. Before I do start my writing process I make sure to gather everything that I will need. For example, I get my notebook and pencil because I know that it will help me start my process and keep my thoughts organized. For me, these are the most important tools that I choose to have in my space, but they are not the only ones that I have. I also have my cellphone, iPad, chargers, snacks, blanket, etc. These items help me as well.

           When I do have all that I need in my space I start writing. I first start with brainstorming, then with my outline, and then the first paragraph. I like to take things kind of slow because I want to ensure that I have an idea of where I am taking my writing. There are a few things that do contribute to how I formulate my paper, such as my surroundings. For instance, I like to be in a semi-quiet space where there is not a lot of people, it has to be warm, and has to be well lit of course. Also, as I mentioned above my cellphone, iPad, chargers, etc. help contribute as well. I may even have a Tv show going in the background or music playing in my ears to help with me not feeling so stressed. 

            Sometimes when I am writing I do have distractions arise. I like to call it a “break” but it’s just me losing focus. For example, I will check my phone when notifications pop up and find myself being on it longer than I should. Even my iPad serves as a distraction at times. There is a way for me to stay on track and regain focus and that is to put my devices on “do not disturb”. Also since I like to write in the comfort of my room I do sometimes get distracted by the noise outside. It’s nothing unbearable, but it does catch me off guard. But there are times when I do need to take a break and so I do that. Whether that’s to take a stretch, eat, or use the restroom I do it because it serves as a refresher for when I feel stuck on a piece of my writing.

            Overall, being able to have the tools that I need helps with the way I plan and write. My surroundings also play a role in how that process goes. I know there are ways to improve my setup for writing and that is something I would like to work on. But in the meantime, this is what works best for me so I’ll continue with it for now.
