Blog 3

Sebastian Jonsson 9/17/21

My best way of being creative and to express myself is to create with my hands. Since I was little I have always liked being in the nature and play in the wood. Whnen i was little I lived very close to forest and so that made me able to play there every day. I think being around in nature connects your senses in a good way. I was usually also around many people who hunted which I think sparked my interest for hunting and firearms. My granddad also served in the second world war which made me very interested in an ytyope of war documentary and war movies. I think many people gets discouraged by firearms but in my opinion its apart of history and its important to new generations to tell them the history so that they don't make the same mistakes as our ascestors did. I feel like I'm not really stayinign on topic so I am going to try to make a transition. To see a new world I think you just need to have patients and never give up. When you are committed to do something and you give it your 100 that's when I think you succeed. and that Is the key to see the world anew. 

//Not really sure what I was doing here. But I think this is a good representation of what a first draft looks like to me. A lot of incorrect spelling and bad English in general. But I usually process my drafts to make them more presentable. I usually always try to think to free-write when doing any type of writing. And for me, there is not really a difference between a free write and a first draft. I usually try to treat the concepts the same, just get down as many words as possible. For me, it is a way to physically see what I am thinking. 
