Blog 3

 Creativity needs space and time to make unexpected connections and see the world anew. One of the ways I choose to be creative is by drawing. I don't know how to draw a lot of things, but the one thing I do mainly draw is flowers. I LOVE flowers so much. They are just so pretty and creative in their own way. With each flower I draw, I try to represent a different message. So much could be said with just one drawing or even a thin line. It's such a creative way to deliver a message. When I draw flowers, the message that I try to represent is happy and positive thoughts. I add so many touches to the flowers and little designs on the side to create a bigger picture. I take my time when drawing flowers. When I was younger I used to always have these big card board papers and whenever a holiday came around I would draw flowers and so many other decorations on there and give them to my family. Just from the drawings the representation was love and happiness and they understood. Just from being a little creative with the flowers they got the message I was trying perceive. That was my way of telling them I love them and how happy I am to apart of this family. Still until this day, they have all the card boards with the flowers that I drew.
