Blog 3 - Josh Freetly

Prompt: Creativity needs space and time to make unexpected connections and see the world anew. One of the ways I choose to be creative is . . . 

A way I choose to be creative is through making things this can be something small like putting legos together or painting a sculpture. Another way I make things to get out creativity is by building but not in real life in Minecraft. I lack the skills and resources to actually build houses or things of that sort in real life so a virtual space is the best to get the itch to make. Minecraft also fits into my fantastical mind as I am not constrained by things like gravity or building codes. I will usually start designing something first by picking colors then with the pallet I've created come up with a general shape and function and flesh out the design over time. This process helps me get my creative energy to flow by challenging me to take the small selection of colors and decorations and turn it into something much larger and more detailed. This building has helped me see the real world differently by making me pay attention to things like patterns or a color palette that strikes my attention to try and improve my own designs. This in turn improves my designs and makes me more detail orientated to then notice more things in the world making a cycle of creativity and noticing the small beauties in the world around me. Building structures in Minecraft may not seem like something that makes you see the world differently with it being somewhat disconnected from our world but it proves for me the power of any creative outlet to make us see the world differently. Making these designs takes time effort and energy making it true to any other more traditional creative outlet.
