Blog 3 - freewriting

  Creativity needs space and time to make unexpected connections and see the world anew. One of the ways I choose to be creative is by just picking up a pen and paper and beginning to write. Or draw it truly does depend on my mood. I saw draw but I feel that is a generous description at best of times. Drawing isn't for me and has not been for as long as I can remember, but doodling on a page has been. Letting my pen roll over the corner of a page aimlessly and then identifying the strange marks on my page afterwards. I feel that in order for my creativity to really become alive I must be active. I must be doing something. Generally, I do not think that I am a creative person in the sense that people tend to think of when they hear the word creative. In my opinion at least, when I hear creativity, I immediately think of artistic talent or creative writing and other forms of expression in any format and I do not find myself falling into that category. The place I find myself truly creative and wholly present is on a football (soccer) pitch. To me that is my comfort zone. I subconsciously find myself trying new things, having fun and being creative when practicing or when in game. That is why I partially agree with the start of this paragraph that creativity needs time and space as the artistic people do need time and space and same with on a football field but one thing I have found is that when the pressure is on and I have less space and time than I would like, the creativity comes out in a short and exciting burst.  If I could express myself and be creative in any way, I would without a doubt be deciding between singing and drawing. I find both of these skills fascinating and admire those who can do either. I feel that being able to do either of these would unlock a new view on life and cause me to appreciate the finer details in things much more than I do now.
