Blog 2 - emojis

 Emojis are now a vital aspect of internet communication and I personally feel as though they will be for many, many more years to come. Many people, including myself, use emojis on a daily basis for a variety of reasons but I feel that the main reason why people use them is to emphasise the message they are trying to get across. We have all heard the saying 'pictures are worth a thousand words', and understanding and relating to this quote is essential in attempting to understand why the success that emojis have had over the previous years has been so great. Emojis visual forms of communication that are so powerful as they are able to aid a description or emphasize a message which both ultimately result in an emotional response from the recipient of the message. 

    As an example, take the phrase 'I love you'. This is such a meaning full phrase and is filled with so much emotion and will inevitable evoke an emotional response from the lucky person on the receiving end of the message. However, if we were to add an emoji to the end of the message which will know read, 'I love you ❤️' it creates a more loving message and essentially just reiterates the main message making an already powerful message even more impactful. I really enjoy the use of emojis for this exact reason and I know that my personal emotional response to receiving a message with and receiving a message without emojis is very different and there is a much greater and happier response when an emoji is present.

My favourite emoji (my most frequently used emoji) is the crying from laughter emoji. This emoji,😂, is what I use daily when I have conversation with my friends and just seeing the emoji makes me slightly happy due to the connotations I now have with this small image.  To me it is meant to be used when something is funny regardless of whether it is slightly funny or extremely hilarious. The way I like to express how funny something is, is by the number of emojis I use and I think that is common for many people, it is at least for the people I talk to, and those who I talk top definitely understand my way of expressing just how funny I found something. I do think that an element would definitely be lost if this emoji was to disappear however, I do think it would only be a matter of time before another emoji took its place. I believe what would leave would be an element of humour and the positive vibe of the conversation. I think that a conversation without this or any emoji would be a very serious conversation and in addition to this it also clarifies your message and can help to clarify the tone of your voice message. If I place a laughing emoji at the end of a message then it is clear that I am joking or find something funny but without that extra clarification it would be hard to consistently gauge the tone of the message that you are receiving. 
