Blog 1

Owen Shuff


Blog 1

Writing Process

The area I write in isn't usually the same, along with the media that I write in too.  Now that doesn't mean that I don't have a few things that occur most of the time.  Usually I would have my phone, music, and writing media whether it is a laptop, pen/pencil and paper, or a tablet with a stylus.  Along with bright light source, either natural or artificial, even though natural is much better, but when you need to write at night artificial will do.  Now then those are the only things I really need, but if I'm procrastinating, I would have a snack and a drink around me before starting.  Though I will get distracted easy with anything, from thoughts in my head, to a game on a device, or simply with my surroundings.  This happens most of the time so that's why I change my location for writing so much or try hard to focus, but this isn't usually the problem, it usually is me not wanting to do it. 

As for right now my surroundings consist of a cluttered desk, that is bothering me a lot, remnants of a snack, a water bottle, music, my phone, pens and pencils, pad of paper, and a laptop that I'm currently using.  I'm sitting in a crappy foldable chair and using a table, that is killing my elbows, as a desk.  The room I’m in is my own for this assignment, but next time I will most likely change to my upstairs living room or dinning room, but I might also us my down stair area.  It really depends on what time of day I’m doing things or whether if anyone is home.  If I need to go somewhere else to do assignments, I try my grandma’s house.  I’m now thinking of trying a park that is by the zoo which is usually empty when I pass it.  I don’t write a lot, so I use a limited amount of space, but I never really have the same setting when I’m writing.  Now that I have wrote all this down, it really contradicts the first part, but each time I do write it feels drastically different for some reason. That is why even though I’m writing in the same house with a similar area around me it doesn’t feel that way.

The process I use to write is normal, I sit down and contemplate the prompt.  This leads to me either jumping right in, or me sitting there for a little bit thinking about how to start the first sentence.  The ladder usually happens for me, but that is just how things go, I overthink somethings.  That is also a reason why I procrastinate too. I can’t think of a way to start, so I get up and move and that take me either a couple minutes or a hour depending on what I end up doing while I’m up.  This also comes around to the distractions, if I can’t have a good flow that might have the occasional bump, I will get distracted with a game or an episode of a series I’m watching.  That leads to me losing tract of time and then I recenter myself and try moving on.
