Blog 1 - Manjarrez

    The art of writing has always been something I thoroughly enjoy. I find myself using it as a way to process my thoughts and express my feelings. When it comes to writing, I prefer a topic in which I am knowledgeable simply because it helps my words flow better. My favorite style of writing is persuasive. I love having the freedom to share my opinions and justify where I'm coming from through evidence that support my claim. It is essential to have inspiration and motivation when it comes to writing for me. Inconveniently, I find that inspiration at the worst times. I remember writing essays during high school at two, sometimes three in the morning because that was when my brain decided it was the most motivated and inspired. So there I was on a chair in front of my desk, wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket pouring words out into a document, finishing a paper that should've been completed days ago. Perhaps a nice, warm coffee next to me and a snack to reward myself after finishing a couple paragraphs. Let me not forget my glasses because although I hate to admit it, I am slightly blind and staring at a computer screen for hours definitely will not help. Taking multiple breaks because I have the attention span of Dory from the movie Nemo. As well as taking time to breathe and step away from the computer to refocus and return refreshed. However, I am taking the risk of checking my phone and not returning to my paper which is why I also make the executive decision to put my phone on silent and out of reach. I write best when I'm in a quiet place with my computer in front of me and no distractions. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to write with music playing in the background, I tend to get distracted and focus more on the music than my paper. The sound of people talking is also very distracting for me. My preferred setting to write is a library or a quiet empty room. When it comes to writing, I can’t multitask. I have to solely focus on my words with no distractions. That’s probably why I find my most motivation and inspiration at two in the morning when no one is awake and it’s just me with my thoughts. When I write I feel smart. I feel privileged to be able to have the knowledge to remember words and put them down on paper or nowadays type them on my computer. Writing helps me sort out my thoughts, from writing a list of things I need to remember to writing a four page essay for my English class. We tend to take advantage of the power we hold by having the simple ability to write. To be able to process our thoughts and share with others. The beauty of writing with a pen and paper is not very common anymore, now we use digital devices to communicate. Yet, we write everyday without even realizing.
